Warm Up to Maximize Your Strength Training Sessions

Warming up properly is essential for optimizing performance and preventing injuries during strength training. By following a well-designed warm-up protocol, you can prepare your body for the demands of your


  Is cardio not your thing and dread the cardio days at the gym? Irrespective of you liking it or not, one can’t go about physical training without fitting cardio

5 Workout Motivation Tips That Actually Work

Being positively motivated to do something is a critical impetus. Especially when it comes to working out, you need to be really driven to start a workout and equally upbeat

6 reasons to hire a personal trainer

Have you heard of the myth of Sisyphus? Being punished with the eternal labor of  rolling a rock up a mountain; only to have it roll down again when reaching

5 Checks To Choose the Right Gym

5 Checks To Choose the Right Gym       What is that which makes you sign up for a gym membership? A goal to get fitter and an awareness

Why the need for a Personal Trainer?

Why the need for a Personal Trainer? A healthy mind can only reside in a healthy and fit body. And a fit body is the result of a good diet,
